Sunday, February 28, 2010

Week 5 - LibraryThing and Rollyo

Now why have I not heard of LibraryThing before? This is a very useful tool than I can integrate into my reader services toolbox. I am always on the look out for a good book to read or something new for my Homebound patrons at work. LibraryThing is very user friendly and I would recommend this to some of our patrons. Some of my favorite reads were not very popular in other peoples' lists and that was a bit surprising. It reminded me of a quote that goes something like this:

"There is a book for every reader and a reader for every book."

Rollyo is working again -- interesting site and concept. Set up my account, made my search roll as I am starting a collection of websites for Readers Advisory services. Great to see where others go in serach of book titles. User friendly site.

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